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Do you ever look at someone and think, I wish I had their confidence and bravery. I follow a young woman on Instagram exactly for that reason. I am looking to learn about her confidence and bravery and how I can incorporate that into my life.

As I logged onto Instagram, I just “happened” upon one of her reels. She was sharing the idea of curiosity to get to confidence and bravery. Curiosity to try something before actually committing to it. I like this idea. A permission to be curious of, what if I try this, just one step, that in itself is bravery. However, I don’t have to go any further if I don’t want to, or I can wait before I take another curious step. I get to choose, which is very freeing.

Sometimes we are in a place in our lives where choices seem to be limited and many times we can feel that we are in a corner with no choices. What I call the black-and-white thinking, which I sometimes find myself defaulting to. There are always choices, some of them may not be the most favorable or the ones you want to choose, however, there are always options.

I mentioned in my last newsletter that I am having problems with my psoas muscle on my right side. I’d been kind of paying attention to it but not enough, as my body at the end of May screamed to get my attention. I’ve been curious as to why, why now and what’s going on. I am also tuning into my body and actually making time in the morning to stretch. It feels really good to connect and I feel stronger. The psoas has calmed down and I find myself wanting to go further in creating more of a balance in my body.

There was such resistance in my mind of creating in my morning routine time to stretch. I’ve been curious as to why that is. What I’ve been able to ascertain so far is that I create what I call a card file in my mind, in this card file is the way I have my day planned out. Sometimes the cards get all jostled about and I focus only on one or two things and the rest get lost so to speak. For example, upon waking, my focus is on getting coffee. If the focus is so strong, I may forget to wash my face or comb my hair and find myself driving to the coffee place realizing this. So, creating time in the morning to stretch is not a tough thing to do, however, I needed to get my mind on board.

This card file organization in my mind is very helpful when planning a day, event or trip. I can see the big picture and plan accordingly. What trips me up is the need to pivot, make changes quickly, or just make a change, so I find myself having to reshuffle the cards to get things in the order they need to be. This is what I needed to do so that I could incorporate stretching in the morning. Do you navigate this way also?

I needed to get curious. What would it be like to create a routine, to be present and not feel like I have to hit the pavement running. So, I’ve been exploring, and so far, I like where this is going. I like the idea that I can continue to be curious and make updates and changes as needed.

Questions to ponder for the week, what in your life can you get curious about? What change would you like to make? Maybe you have more than one, is there something you can implement this week, one step, one exploration?

More To Explore

One paper cartoon gesturing to a second cartoon

There Is Good

Short and sweet writing today. I’ve had an amazing month so far, and so grateful for each and every one of you that have come in for a session, let

Rocks balancing on one another.


It’s been an interesting week of sessions and interactions out and about. There is a lot of talk of all the happenings, what is being shut down, taken away and

Begin your path to a more authentic life

If you are ready to reclaim your inner wisdom and find balance and meaning in your life, contact me today to begin your healing Reiki journey.

Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.