Photo of a mandala in the shape of a daisy.

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I think everyone has to some degree a sense of wanting to control their surroundings and people around them.  There are so many different ways we try to control things that are outside of ourselves. Do you realize the only thing you can control is what is INSIDE of you? Your thoughts, beliefs, feelings are your responsibility, not anyone else. Just like you can’t control another person because basically, it’s not your responsibility!

Recently, during a conversation at 2nd Saturday, a woman was sharing about how she needed a room to be organized, everything in its place, being able to see under desks, etc. because then she could feel calm. It’s the illusion that if what we see calm then the inside of us will be.  

When we get calm inside, no matter what is happening on the outside it will not deeply affect us.

Worrying about whether someone is going to act a certain way, trying to determine an outcome so that we can feel at peace. Just as I’m typing this a daily reminder popped up and stated “Each year we spend the equivalent of *2 months* worrying. IMAGINE what you could do with the energy of two months if put in a more positive way?

Sitting in a constant state of wanting and even NEEDING to control everything outside of us causes disconnect, and could eventually lead to dis-ease. Can you recognize when you are trying to control others? Can you recognize when you are causing discomfort within yourself? What if, you took mini-moments to connect within yourself? Listen to when that flutter of uncomfortableness comes in. Pay attention, because when that flutter comes in, it is reminding you to quiet your senses, go within, trust yourself, feel the feelings-no matter how uncomfortable. When we allow ourselves to be uncomfortable we get to grow, and deepen our experiences. When stretching a rubber band for the first time, it is never the same afterwards, it has been changed. Imagine each time you allow yourself to stretch, to grow, how much more your life will unfold in wondrous ways!

Do you realize when you try to control so much outside of yourself your relationships suffer because of it? Ever notice there are some people that just step away from you because of your need to control. Do you have conflicts that come up and you don’t understand why that person is acting the way they are because, hey, you just want the best for them, right? The best for them is what THEY get to decide, not you.

I have come a long way from how I used to need to control. I am a work in progress. I continue, sometimes daily to be much more aware of how I get to let go of that outside control. I get to check within myself and decide, how do I want to feel, act, think? I get to control all of this glorious life of MINE. What better way to live?! Let go of the exterior of things, organize yourself within, see and feel the serenity of your higher self, then go out into the world and share your serenity. You may just be surprised of how much better your life becomes!

More To Explore

One paper cartoon gesturing to a second cartoon

There Is Good

Short and sweet writing today. I’ve had an amazing month so far, and so grateful for each and every one of you that have come in for a session, let

Rocks balancing on one another.


It’s been an interesting week of sessions and interactions out and about. There is a lot of talk of all the happenings, what is being shut down, taken away and

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If you are ready to reclaim your inner wisdom and find balance and meaning in your life, contact me today to begin your healing Reiki journey.

Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.