Many times in my practice there is an underlying theme of clients presenting challenges they are having. Sometimes they don’t even realize what the challenges are until they arrive. I’m always amazed and thrilled when first time people come and they really don’t know specifically why they are coming but they listened to the nudge.

Lately, I’ve been finding that fear has been showing up. Fear has many different aspects and so it’s interesting to delve into how fear is showing up for each individual. I recently asked a client where fear was located and it was in their throat and heart area. When I asked fear to come forward it tried to bring the entire body with it. That was an interesting experience for the client!
You may ask, Heidi, ask the fear to come forward? WHAT?? This is the part of where I see the energy. My belief and experience is that if we can’t gain perspective on what is happening to us, how can we make changes? So, I simply asked fear to show itself so we can accept it first and foremost. All the different aspects of ourselves are what make up the unique individual we each are. If we shun or try to avoid areas of ourselves is when we cause even more havoc in our lives.
So, working with the fear that stepped forward for this individual, we were better able to find out this aspect of fear had been there since childhood. It simply was protecting what it thought was beneficial to do. Think for a moment, when you were five to nine years old. The capacity of understanding what was happening, what involved you and what didn’t was pretty limited. However, as children we learned different ways to cope with trauma or situations that were uncomfortable. Those ways became tools of handling our day to day lives. We grew up and became adults.
Many people are still using the tools from their childhood to cope with what is going on as an adult. Oftentimes in session, we are able to connect with the inner child and heal those areas along with bringing in updated tools as an adult.

These tools can be anything from communication styles, being open to receiving, healing parts of themselves that were emotionally hurt and many other areas.
So, back to fear. I encourage clients to talk with fear. To create a healthy relationship with fear. Letting it know that it is appreciated and sometimes it can be quiet, less in the forefront thereby allowing the person to be in control of what is happening and less of a victim to circumstances and the tools they use.
What’s interesting is once I’ve been working with my personal fear, I feel more at peace, I can see what it is trying to do and thereby decide if it is healthy for me or not and then make changes as needed.
Like the image states – I am releasing Fear to gain more Peace. What do you currently have in your life that needs to be released? Not sure? Schedule a session, let’s explore what is creating less than an ideal human experience and get you on the journey of expansion, empowerment and a light filled life!