Complaining and Negativity

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Heidi’s Happiness

Maybe happiness is this: not feeling like you should be elsewhere,
doing something else, being someone else.
Isaac Asimov

Interesting how Spirit will speak to me and make me aware of things. Lately, I have been receiving information via email, posts on Facebook, a book that I’m reading, and messages from others to be aware of complaining or negative thoughts.

Overall I’m not a negative person and for the most part see the glass half full. With the information that has continued to present itself to me I need to be a bit more aware than what I have been! Or, maybe one of you that is receiving this weekly email needs to have the nudge of awareness.

Here is an excerpt of an email that I received recently:
When you focus upon lack in an attitude of complaining, you establish a vibrational point of attraction that then gives you access only to more thoughts of complaint. Your deliberate effort to tell a new story will establish a new pattern of thought, providing you with a new point of attraction from your present, about your past, and into your future. The simple effort of looking for positive aspects will set a new vibrational tone that will begin the immediate attraction of thoughts, people, circumstances, and things that are pleasing to you.

Basically, be aware of the words that are being used. Be aware, when someone is talking about their situation and commenting from a place of lack or negativity that you don’t get caught up in agreeing with them to appease them. By agreeing, you are basically letting the Universe know you agree to be in the lack of energy. This also doesn’t mean to try and get them to change. Simply accept them where they are and change the subject. You may need to do this numerous times, but each time, you are letting yourself and the Universe know you are desiring to be in positivity.

Here is a simple way to think of things in a more positive light.

I have taken it upon myself to make an effort to pick up paper towels/toilet paper bits and such in women’s public bathrooms. I’ve noticed that there are bits and pieces all over the floor in many bathrooms I’ve used over the years. It’s been an irritation to me up to this point because I think, why can’t people pick up after themselves? So, I decided to change my viewpoint and do something about it. I’ve committed to picking up the pieces and throwing them away. I feel better about it and I leave it at that. Well, recently, the bathrooms I’ve been going in have paper on the floors and I simply laugh now. I really sense Spirit is placing those pieces of paper on the floor to remind me I have a purpose, that I’m making a difference and while it is not a big deal, I know I feel better. So, thank you Spirit for giving me a smile, lifting my vibration knowing I’m doing a positive thing albeit small.

See, being more positive really doesn’t take that much except an awareness of choosing. I choose to see the positive in a situation rather than the negative. What ways can you be aware of your thoughts, words and deeds?

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.