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Can you feel it? There’s something happening and it’s swirling and creating and lifting up the consciousness.

Recently I’ve had a few clients state to me they can feel something happening within themselves. They have stated it feels like a change. I assure them, it is a change, for the better, even though sometimes it may not feel like it.

So often in the corporate world, I would hear my co-workers state emphatically they hate change. That’s a pretty strong statement. Hate is a powerful word. I’ve dug deeper into this statement and have some ideas of what change can mean for some people.

There is a belief that change is scary. Imagine when you were a child and playing away, enjoying your in-the-moment experience when all of a sudden you are yanked from your bliss to go eat, leave to run errands with your parent, forced to go to bed, and so on. What a jolt to the body, almost a fear that would kick in that one wasn’t safe. As adults, we can see that there was a change but it wasn’t life-threatening. Well, it wasn’t life-threatening to you, but to a small child, it could feel like it. Just hang with me here, the body now has stored that feeling of unsettledness, possibly even a bit of fear of change, possibly even a feeling like the body is going to die. Now, the child grows up to an adult but still carries within the body the imprint of the fear of change.

Do you understand a bit more of the connection? Your body is reacting to anything that feels unsafe, a change. Your mind KNOWS it’s safe, that nothing bad is going to happen but the body tries to tell it otherwise. If anyone has tried to ignore anxiety or physical pain, they know that the body is a powerful communicator when it desires to be.

So, what can you do to help yourself calmly embrace change? Make small changes in your life. The idea is that the small changes will allow your body and mind to be reminded that all is well and you are safe.

Here are some suggestions:

• Brush your teeth with your other hand
• Hold your coffee/beverage cup with the other hand
• Take a different route to work, even if it’s only one different turn
• When putting your socks/shoes on start with the other foot
• Move items around in the refrigerator (you can always move them back)
• Listen to a different radio station or different types of music genre

What does this do? It can rewire your brain/body to feel safe in the midst of change. All these appear to be minor things however, I guarantee you when you do some of these, pay attention to how your body/mind reacts. If you feel resistance, let the resistance know it’s okay, it’s safe to have these feelings. What’s a resistance feeling? Feeling irritated, uncomfortable, the mind overriding and having a fight or flight reaction, a strong need to go back to routine. It is at this moment we can talk with our bodies to reassure that we are not dying, we are not going to be harmed, that we are safe, reminding the body to come back to center, to be aligned with our authentic self.

When we start out small with change, we can encourage ourselves to connect within the peace and calmness that is always available to us. The Universe/Spirit is always available, it is our choice to connect to it or not. The resistance is our belief that we know better, that we need to control everything, from within and outside of ourselves.

Control is a tricky experience. When we try to control what is outside of ourselves we can feel very out of control, sometimes in chaos. What I have found, is that when I let go of trying to control what is outside of me and instead go within and control/guide what is inside of me, I find that I live a much more fulfilling and uplifting life.

What steps are you incorporating into your life to be in alignment with the changes that are occurring? If you want to discuss in more detail and brainstorm options for you, I’d love to see you and connect.

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.