Backs of three individuals hugging overlooking water

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The majority of people that come through my doorway in one way or another have expressed the feeling they don’t belong. That they feel like the odd one out. They’ve felt like the odd one in their family, with friends or even at work.

I had a client the other day express this to me and she is taking steps to belong to a group that is very near and dear to her. She is close to being part of it and it was then the insight came in for me. She already belongs. There isn’t going to be a certain day that comes and then ah-ha the feeling of belonging will kick in.

If you really think about it, all of us that feel like we don’t belong, it’s that we don’t belong to the ones that in human form, but we belong on a larger scale. A Universe scale, a really really big scale where we are so connected we needed to come in human form to get separated. To have our own experience, feelings, emotions and adventures!

I like this thinking, it’s helped me to expand what belonging is. I do belong here, I belong being part of this earth, this connection. I belong being in a group of individuals that maybe I don’t necessarily connect with but I belong to be there, to bring my spark to the space. What if I own who I am, the light I believe I am, the energy and positivity that I can bring to this space and just BE? I don’t have to entertain, come up with clever things to say, or even interact. I get to belong to this place called earth because I am HERE.

That feels amazing actually! This gives me freedom also. I don’t have to think or believe like everyone around me or even on social media. I can belong regardless. I am part of the whole.

The poet Rumi reminds us, “You are not a drop in the ocean; you are the entire ocean in a drop.” For any of us to make peace with and respect the individuality of the others is not possible if we do not accept and make peace with own individuality … and our individual struggles and triumphs.

If you believe in the above quote, you can therefore realize that you can influence the ocean. With all the unrest going on in the world, the anger, frustration, rage, trauma and deep emotional ancestral pain, we each have the opportunity to do our part to heal. We will have our days of anger and frustration, and our days of happiness and joy. We get to decide where we want to grow and expand. Deeper peace and deep love for self and the over arching world? Or do we decide to become hopeless angry victims in a very hurtful world?

As we know, it’s not just easy peasy simple however, it is doable. One step, one moment starts the ripple. You know the drop that you are in the ocean? Guess what? You can make a ripple that is so big and so connected that the ocean doesn’t have a choice but to accept and transform.

How do you choose to live? How do you choose to think? Remember, regardless, you belong!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.