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There is a saying, choose carefully the people that you surround yourself with. I realized today how important that is!I started out my day just like any other, woke up with a positive attitude and an idea of how my day was going to unfold.

I received a phone call from someone that I haven’t spoken with in quite some time and we talked for a half hour or so. The call itself and the subjects we discussed were like any other phone call. What was the ah-ha moment for me was when I got off the phone.

I found myself in an irritated mood. Nothing real major but something that I simply acknowledged and then thought I let go of. An hour or so passed and I found myself in a foul mood, I started down the path of lack of thinking. Lack of thinking is the vibration of worry. Worrying about not having enough money, not enough clients, how am I going to pay my bills in December, what am I going to do the end of the month, and the recordings just kept going through my mind. I was also in fear mode. Fearful of how am I going to maintain what I have, how am I going to get more clients, etc. It is a VERY slippery slope of negativity, lack of and fear.

In my thoughts, I shouted STOP. Then, I took an assessment, what had changed from the time I’d woken up to now? How did I remove myself from being in the moment and trusting to stepping out of the connection to Spirit? I recalled the phone conversation I had. I accepted this person’s energy and self-beliefs and they got attached to me. It can be that simple to accept another person’s beliefs and be influenced by them.

I brushed this energy off my entire being (called Dry Brushing Technique) and focused more on my centering and allowing myself to be in the energy vibration I now live in. You see, I choose to live in an abundance space, allowing all the goodness of the Universe to come to me, I accept it with open arms. This energy vibration brings me peace, acceptance and comfort. I am taken care of physically, emotionally and spiritually. It is where I FOCUS my energy that gets me where I want to be.

How often do you accept others beliefs and energies and then find yourself not being your authentic self? What thoughts do you allow to be in your life? Your attitude towards anything literally will set the tone for your day, month, year and most of all life. Choose wisely who you surround yourself with and most of all – choose your own joy, love, abundance and fearlessness!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.