Gratitude for 2021 and all That it Taught Me
There were some tough days in there and I am thankful for those growth times. To each person that walked through my office door, thank you. To the people that referred others to me, thank you. To everyone that is learning more about themselves, what this human experience is all about, and the desire to go deeper, thank you. Here’s to 2022, may we connect, learn and expand each of our consciousness to create and be in the New Earth.
What is Ascension?
I’ve been wanting to write about Ascension for quite some time and just wasn’t sure of the words to use. Then low and behold this image pops up on my Instagram. Thank you, Universe!

We have been moving energetically out of 3D for a while now. Some people are completely committed to 3D and that is okay. There is no judgment on where one may be in their thinking and frequency. Many are confused as to what is happening to them. Things that used to make sense no longer do. Beliefs that seemed to be so embedded are no more. Have you noticed this? Have you noticed the divide and conquer belief? This is the thinking that if everyone would just comply and be the same then everything would be okay. That is not the truth. Each person gets to be their sovereign self and in doing so everyone can be at peace. Oh, this is a BIG work in process. Some people are in a lot of physical pain as the physical body is needing to raise its frequency that goes along with the consciousness vibration. When one is not in alignment with their authentic self, the body sometimes reacts with pain. Current beliefs or even ancestral beliefs can store themselves in the physical, emotional, spiritual, and esoteric body.
4D I like to explain is the bridge or the hallway to 5D. How to know if you are in 4D? You may feel a bit “crazy” because the things you see, experience, feel, and now believe are different. You may try to talk with others around you about what you are experiencing and if they are still committed to 3D they will not understand. You will try and explain away the synchronicities, your mind/ego will try to tell you none of it is true because you can’t see or feel it in what has been familiar. Many people come to see me when they are in 4D to get a better understanding of what is happening.
5D is amazing. It can be scary sometimes, especially when you are just beginning to experience the frequencies. When a person begins to understand they can play with energy, slow it down, speed it up, create and manifest quickly what they desire it can be very fun.
I had an aha moment a year or so ago to better understand that we move through the different dimensions as needed. I can navigate my way in 3D much easier now that I am not in resistance to it. I do make sure it is in brief time periods otherwise I get very tired and dragged down energetically. My mindset is primarily in 5D and I continue to explore and learn more about letting go of old ways that no longer serve me as I expand and deepen who I truly am.
With the brief descriptions above and the image, all of this is happening whether you are consciously aware or not. Thank goodness! What is fun, at least for me, is to know that I can participate in this awakening ascension!
There is so much more to ascensions, such as shadow work, telepathic communication, being able to influence, and ways to create your days and life.