Image of a wooden mannequin with lines going from its head leading to question marks.

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As I was trying to decide what to write about, I asked Spirit to bring me a topic. Two articles from online showed up regarding lack. So, here we go, the subject is about lack!

We are bombarded with marketing materials letting us know that we lack the updated burger or the new and tempting food, the item of clothing that will make us feel good, the vehicle that will make us feel empowered. We look at our bank account, regardless of the amount that is in it and wonder, do I have enough? We also receive medical information that we are potentially lacking health and this particular pill may help you feel better. We may also feel like we are alone with limited friends or lack of a healthy intimate relationship.  So. Much. Lack. Is it any surprise that we are challenged and struggling at times to enjoy this human experience?

Many times, this lack is due to a core belief that started as early as birth to 7 years old. The experiences that we had during this time period, whether physical, emotional or vibrational energy, form a belief system that tends to stay in the subconscious for many years.

We may have had life experiences that shook us from our very core and felt like the world got turned upside down. Our very safety of self was dismantled.

How to move out of the lack mentality? First and foremost, you get to decide if you desire to see and experience life in a different way. Oh, I’m not talking a complete 180 and that you don’t recognize your life. I’m talking a millimeter of movement. Literally that little bit can change your perception!

Honor the experiences you’ve had that brought you to this point. Then, begin to look forward, and inward. WHAT? How the heck do I do that Heidi? Looking forward, imagine having the life you truly desire, start out small. Small can be a mantra, I see the positives in my day. Going inward, take time, even three to five minutes (daily would be ideal but every other day will work also) to sit and connect to your breath. Pay attention to your lungs expanding and contracting. Take deeper more expansive breaths and exhale out longer. As you do this exercise you will quiet your mind, allowing you an opportunity to be clear with your intentions and what it is you truly desire. You are naturally connecting to your inner knowing and to the abundance of the Universe.

Already done those things and want to go bigger? Trust yourself and your birthright to be fully supported in the fulfillment of your needs and desires. Learning to trust ourselves is a journey in itself however, as we trust ourselves we remember we are supported by all that is. The gratitude factor plays a huge role, gratitude for wherever you are on your human journey can expand your life in ways you never thought possible.

Gratitude for the green lights, the “rock star” parking space near the store, the person holding the door open. These are small gratitude’s but they help build the foundation to fulfill even larger gratitude’s and expansion!  They also help you move from surviving to thriving because you recognize that abundance truly is all around you because you ALLOW yourself to see and experience it.

So, this is a small snippet of how to expand into abundance, to find yourself moving out of lack and into the area of your journey so you feel empowered, strong, healthy, balanced and light filled!

I would so delight in working with you to thrive in your earthly journey! Schedule your session today!

More To Explore

One paper cartoon gesturing to a second cartoon

There Is Good

Short and sweet writing today. I’ve had an amazing month so far, and so grateful for each and every one of you that have come in for a session, let

Rocks balancing on one another.


It’s been an interesting week of sessions and interactions out and about. There is a lot of talk of all the happenings, what is being shut down, taken away and

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If you are ready to reclaim your inner wisdom and find balance and meaning in your life, contact me today to begin your healing Reiki journey.

Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.