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It’s been a very interesting year hasn’t it? For some it’s been like a roller coaster, you know the type, the kind where the “seat belts” come up over your head and strap you in. You know it’s going to be a doozy. Other’s haven’t had near the thrill but they’ve had consistent bumps and an occasional loopy loo. Whatever your year has been like, it’s definitely been a year of growth. From deaths, health wake-ups, relationships ending, others beginning, little pokes that can become super annoying if you let them.

I know I was derailed a few times this year and it shook me. I also had many “pokes” that were little irritations, to the degree I’m really trying not to look at all of them. I’d rather just think, I dealt with them as they each appeared for me and then I get to let them go. By the way, the whole roller coaster analogy? I think there are moments we get to scream and raise our hands in the air, releasing the tension, fears, and anything else that is bubbling at the surface. That’s a big energy release for our bodies. I encourage you to try it throughout the coming year.

I used to do this when I was the Executive Assistant when things were getting a big chaotic crazy and while I didn’t do an all out blood curdling scream it was an expending of energy. I literally would raise my hands/arms in the air, scream and then focus. The executives would get a chuckle out of it.

Here’s to 2025! May it be a year filled with laughter, self-love awareness, releasing old beliefs and ways and welcoming in the energy, feelings, thoughts and connections that you desire!

Monthly Intention

Here are some things that I try to do at the beginning of each month:

  • Wash all light switches
  • Wash all door handles
  • Wash the threshold of the door coming into my apartment
  • Wash the front door front and back
  • At the office I wash the front and back of the door and the threshold

I just recently started doing this and the intention behind it is to cleanse the previous months energy and bring in clearing and cleansed energy for the coming month.

More To Explore

One paper cartoon gesturing to a second cartoon

There Is Good

Short and sweet writing today. I’ve had an amazing month so far, and so grateful for each and every one of you that have come in for a session, let

Rocks balancing on one another.


It’s been an interesting week of sessions and interactions out and about. There is a lot of talk of all the happenings, what is being shut down, taken away and

Begin your path to a more authentic life

If you are ready to reclaim your inner wisdom and find balance and meaning in your life, contact me today to begin your healing Reiki journey.

Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.