If you are reading this on Sunday, December 15th we are in the midst of the full moon and the upcoming Winter Solstice.
The final full moon of 2024 lights the skies this weekend to welcome in the holiday season. December’s full Cold Moon will rise overnight on Saturday (Dec. 14) and remain in the sky all night until setting with the sunrise on Sunday (Dec. 15).The full moon in December was originally called a cold moon by Native Americans because it coincides with the long, cold nights of winter.
The winter solstice marks the exact moment when half of Earth is tilted the farthest away from the sun. It usually happens on December 21 or 22, at the exact same second around the world.
Isn’t it interesting as we approach the longest dark day the full moon is shining so bright and just being its gorgeous self? Life can be that way sometimes. Even at the darkest of times, there is some sort of light or hope that helps us continue to take a step one day at a time. I also so appreciate realizing that after Winter Solstice the daylight starts to get longer.
I’ve been thinking a lot this week about what I was going to write and what kept bubbling up was the magical moments that each of us have each day. Whether you call them coincidences, unexplainable, or woo woo experiences, they are amazing to acknowledge. What I’ve learned is that there are many being given to us every day and most of them we miss.
My challenge to you, is through the rest of 2024, is to look for the magic, the wonder, the awe, the positives of your life in your day to day experiences. No matter how small or big, acknowledge them, if possible, talk with the another person and share your experiences.
Not a clue what I am talking about? Let me give you some simple ones. You are running late to work or an appointment and you get green lights the entire way. When going through the drive through, you look the person in the eyes to really SEE them and smile, and they smile back – connection! Your little one is struggling with something and instead of trying fix supper or do other things, you sit down and take the mere five minutes to sit with them, hug and let them know you are there for them.
One last thing, regarding the moon and Winter Solstice, nature is preparing herself for the winter time. The trees, birds, animals and nature overall are preparing for the cold, snowy, windy days. Hibernating, nurturing, self-care, embracing the darker days. You know what nature knows that we sometimes forget? That all of this is in preparation of growth, awakening, expansion in the Spring! What can you learn from nature? What can you remember from your inner wisdom and the inner connection to all that is?
Winter Solstice celebrations around the world
- Iran’s Yalda festival marks the day when Mithra, an angel of light, was thought to have been born.
- China’s Dōngzhì festival celebrates when winter’s darkness begins to give way to light. Families observe this time with special foods, such as rice balls known as tang yuan.
- Scandinavians (people who live in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden) gather for Juul, or Yule, a multi-day feast when ancient people would welcome the return of the sun god.
- In Britain, some people still observe the ancient tradition of cutting mistletoe, which is considered a sacred plant with healing properties.