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Checking in, what’s the cadence of your breath? My daughter shared an Instagram video recently regarding being in our bodies. Being present, being in your body, starts with connecting with your breath. Breathe in for a count of seven, then breath out for a count of seven. Notice as you do this how you connect within. Feeling anxious, out of body? What’s the cadence of your breath?

Regardless of your age, there are feelings, emotions, smells, experiences that can evoke a positive or negative reaction within your body. These reactions can become so familiar that we allow ourselves to stay in a loop. I used to be in a loop of chaos and drama. It was very difficult to break this familiarity because anything else felt off and not safe, even peace and calm.

When working with clients, I encourage them to explore, what would it feel like to not have this thought, feeling, emotion? What would I like instead? Worry is a low grade energy and it can keep us in a state of fight or flight, and depression. Some find worry to be calming, it is their go-to whenever faced with stress. It can also keep them from being creative to come up with ways to reduce the stress or choose solutions. It’s what is familiar. There is nothing wrong with any of the tools and techniques anyone uses. However, if what you choose as tools are something you want to have less of, or get rid of, you need to admit that you are in a “familiar” loop and get to choose another way.

Today’s newsletter theme is about becoming aware of familiar triggers, choosing to be aware of the tools you are currently using and to see if it’s time to update them. I also like to use images to help me invoke a stillness and peace within. Do you have a special space you allow your mind to go to when quieting and calming your body?  I’m personally working on creating a new familiar way of navigating my journey. Transitioning from what I know, to the unknown so that I can grow, expand and be empowered in my life. Lots of good pondering thoughts this week!

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Begin your path to a more authentic life

If you are ready to reclaim your inner wisdom and find balance and meaning in your life, contact me today to begin your healing Reiki journey.

Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.