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As we enter into late Fall and early Winter season, it’s that time to go inward. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy the change of seasons. I’ve been contemplating quite a bit on trying to figure out what to write today as we are in history making times with the Presidential election. There is a lot of unrest, unknown, worry and fear in the collective. Can you feel it? Have you noticed yourself being short on patience and others also? What better time to pay attention to how your body, mind and spirit is doing.

Have you been taking time to breathe, recenter and balance your energy? You don’t have the match the energy of the collective by the way. You don’t have to join in on the fear and worry. You get to choose. Oh, but Heidi, it’s all over and in my face all the time. I understand, however, you’ve always had the opportunity to choose. There’s a balance that each of us have that aligns to our own inner compass. Have you connected with that recently?

I get sucked into the social media mongering and sometimes even go looking for it! I’m curious as to how people are playing out this awakening energy. If I start to feel that anger, fear, worry energy/belief, I take the time to intentionally connect with the Universe, to observe. I remind myself that all is being worked out for the highest good. I may not think it is “all that good” but it is working itself out.

How do I want to show up for myself during this period of time? I want to be nurturing, kind, coming from my heart center for myself first and foremost. Taking time to listen to what my body is telling me, tuning into my mental health and doing what I need to do to ensure that I feel peace overall.

How are you planning to show up for yourself? Is it time to reassess, review and make some changes? Are you able to strengthen what already is in place? These are amazing times, may you show up in amazing ways!


Recently I was brainstorming with a client on how to be more family oriented. What bubbled up was to have a gratitude tagboard for November with all of the family participating. The tagboard would be displayed in a prominent place such as the kitchen.

Each day, each person is responsible for writing something they are grateful for on the tagboard. There will probably be some duplicates, however, this is an opportunity to think beyond the basics. 

Not only is this an opportunity to express oneself but to also create a cohesiveness of family and connection. Now, as we all know, we can have our own gratitude tagboard, or share one with our partner. Another idea would be to share with a friend each day what each of you are grateful for, via text or email. There is so much magic that is happening around us, what if you take the time this month to see and feel the magic that is all around you! 

More To Explore

One paper cartoon gesturing to a second cartoon

There Is Good

Short and sweet writing today. I’ve had an amazing month so far, and so grateful for each and every one of you that have come in for a session, let

Rocks balancing on one another.


It’s been an interesting week of sessions and interactions out and about. There is a lot of talk of all the happenings, what is being shut down, taken away and

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.