A Need to Feel Uplifted & Positive

Blurry image of houses and trees covered in snow

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I was looking for a subject to write about and I came up with all types of things that we could work on but then, I thought, how are people feeling right now? Winter is doing what winter does, be cold and snowy, a few sunny days here and there but it affects the majority of us in a negative way. We get tired and exhausted easily and a desire to do nothing. Which, basically I think winter is all about, rest and regenerate! So, with this in mind, I came across this 50 lists to make when feeling down.

Here are a few of them and then I’ve included the link here in case you want to explore more. You choose which items sound the most interesting and write them out or keep a running tally in your mind.

You only have 50 days or so to enjoy winter as the Spring Equinox will be here before you know it!

  • List all the things you’d do if you weren’t so afraid
  • List the places you go in your mind when you want peace and quiet
  • What the perfect day looks like to you
  • All the reasons why you’re amazing
  • What always makes you laugh
  • All the qualities in yourself you like the most
  • All the people who love you for who you are
  • Things you’d get rid of to make the world better
  • The best gifts you’ve ever been given
  • The things you can’t live without
  • All the ways you’ve changed for the better
  • The things you must do before you die
  • The moments in your life that taught you the biggest life lessons
  • The biggest turning points in your life
  • All the ways you sabotage yourself from having a great life
  • How you’d like to change your life for the better
  • The major losses you’ve survived in your life
  • All of your favorite movies
  • All the songs you know by heart
  • Your favorite life quotes that inspire you

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.