Peace Begins with Me

Image of a hand in the form of a peace sign in front of an ocean and sun.

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I remember when I was in middle school, sitting in the First United Methodist Church on a Sunday morning, mind drifting into deeper thoughts, wondering, how will there ever be peace on earth? As I explored my thought process and I searched into cavernous places in my mind, I could not find any place outside of myself where there was true peace. Everywhere I looked, some people seemed to be peace-filled but then there were always others that seemed to be angry, scared, fear-filled, worried and there were countries that were at war also.

It was in that moment of exploring I came to the realization that peace on earth will happen when each of us allows peace to enter our being, mind, thoughts, and beliefs. This has been a life-long exploration for me. Most recently with all the unrest that has been happening, from the beginning of 2020 to current times, I’m reminded to bring peace into my being, my mind, and my soul, and from that point, I can share outward this energy, this peace. When I look out into the consciousness and see or sense all the unrest, I choose to not add to it.

Sending each of you peace-filled energy, faith, calmness, and light, So. Much. Light.

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.