What Does Healing Look Like?

Graphic of words Inhale Exhale over image of a bouquet.

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“You know what healing really feels like? Relief. You can breathe. It’s like you couldn’t breathe for a long time, and now you’re breathing again. You’re changing. Adapting. You’re hopeful… You’ve decided to go in a different direction. You feel peace. Keep going. You’ll feel it.”

I came across the above quote perusing through Instagram. It reminded me of those times in my life I felt like I couldn’t breathe, let alone take a breath. The pressures and expectations of what I was living. Have a prestigious job, manage money (well), have the things that make it appear I am happy, raise children so that society approves, fit into the “box” that others put me in and the one I put myself in. Even as I write this, I feel a pressure in my chest area, and it is uncomfortable. So, before I continue, I take a big breath through my nose and sigh it out my mouth — a second one for good measure. Go ahead, try it right now, no really, breathe with intention. Ahhh, I feel better, like I have some space now to think clearly and be more expansive.

I often have clients coming in that leave the session feeling like they can breathe; the weight of what they had been carrying isn’t quite as heavy. They may have transformed the thoughts or feelings (heaviness) or learned new techniques to let go of what they held so tightly to. So often we are committed to our story, and we hold it near and dear to our hearts, with our fists holding tightly to it and scared to loosen our grip.

How can we receive or expand into something better, more light-hearted, joy-filled if our fists are so tight with the story? What if you loosened your grip just slightly? You aren’t going to lose who you currently are. However, you will be more open to becoming and uncovering your true self. Your true self, aligned with the Universe, connected to the earth, can feel so empowering and freeing!

There is a peace within you that is continuing to wiggle its way outward to get you to feel it. That uncomfortableness you are feeling? That’s the old stuff being released, asking to be released, creating such an uncomfortable space that you are possibly forced to release it. 

Many times I ask clients to surrender to the process. Oh my, they say, surrender? That sounds really hard since I like to control things. Surrender is reducing or releasing the need to be in resistance. When I have surrendered to what I’ve been in resistance, I feel so free, so empowered, so at peace. I am better able to actually see the challenge I thought I had and realize that it was simply a viewpoint or a belief that needed to go. I created a new space in the process, and I feel lighter, at a higher vibration that encouraged me to feel peace, love, joy, comfort, and to be nurtured.

Where are you in your journey of healing? Do you need to update your tools or do you need clarity on something that is keeping you in resistance? A bit of conversation and time on the table for energy healing may just be what you need! Let’s connect soon!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.