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There is a big shift and adjustment happening on this earth right now. Many of you are feeling it within your human body. Feelings of fear, uncertainty, stress and tension in places that you’ve not experienced before and an overall feeling of lethargy and sickness.  There are events and things happening that are out of our control and it can feel very disempowering.

What choices do you have for yourself? You can and are able to choose to love yourself, care for your health, read and learn, spend time in nature, choose less stress, more rest and pursuit of less material things can and will lead to a lighter, healthier life.

Oh, but Heidi, you say, how in the world will I do this? That seems so overwhelming. Yes, it can, especially when you are looking at the big picture and what it will look like when you’ve adjusted and shifted into the life you are desiring. However, let me tell you, taking baby steps each day will get you to where you ultimately desire to be.

Establishing healthy boundaries and routines is a first step. Look at your routines, is there something that you do that doesn’t honor yourself and your life? Do you do retail therapy when you know you don’t need or desire anything? Do you eat to avoid feeling? Do you reach for the beer or alcohol because it’s been a tough day? Do you constantly stay on social media even though you find yourself not feeling so well because you are comparing yourself to others? If these behaviors serve you in the way you desire, then continue to do them. If they don’t, let’s look at ways to adjust and bring in a different behavior that you truly want to have in your life.

By looking at yourself and establishing healthy routines for yourself that can include a meditative practice and/or breath work, moving your body a bit more in your day that bumps out time spent in areas you do not desire anymore such as television, social media or excessive material comfort.  You will, ever so slowly and deliberately baby step your way into the life you truly desire to be living in.  Your new lifestyle will ensure your balance, clarity and peace-filled way of living.

How do I know this? Because it’s the baby steps I continue to take to ensure I am living the ultimate life I desire. I am in a place of my life that I truly love every bit of it! Oh, it’s not easy peasy, I am often times reframing my thought processes and realizing that I still have old patterns and ways of thinking that seem to have a hard hold on me. However, I do realize that I am able to see them clearly and do something about it. I no longer feel like a victim in my life. I am empowering myself each and every day.

As you read this, check in with yourself, are you making choices for yourself that empower you? Do you pay attention to the signs the Universe is setting out for you to let you know you are on the correct path? If you desire a bit of help in getting started or even a bump to continue the momentum, I am here, ready to walk alongside you, hold your hand if needed and provide insight and clarity along with tools.

Here’s to making 2020 a year filled with desires you want to experience!

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Image of Heidi Namken's hands in a cupped fashion.